Superior Affairs_Freedom of thought and soul

How to Increase the Power of Focus_Experiences of power the spirit and devil

Superior Affairs_Freedom of thought and soul

How to Increase the Power of Focus_Experiences of power the spirit and devil

What is the sprite_What is devil_Focus through words

پنجشنبه, ۳ بهمن ۱۳۹۸، ۰۹:۱۷ ق.ظ

The result of years of research and reflection on the soul
Dedicated to searchers       Author: s.m.m


Proof of the soul



Proof of the soul

There is no time for the soul and that is why people are looking for solutions to emotional problems

We feel the need Because for need is there one thing Man needs God and emotions and attention
 spiritual needs are not wasted like physical needs Which may not be compensated
 the law of attraction that says whatever you think is happening
arresting the culprit even after years when that person has changed a lot in shape and appearance
some predict some things from the future or something they haven't seen

we often like to have a spouse who has less relationship with the opposite sex to meet our spiritual needs

There are different experiences of the soul

Direct relationship between soul and psyche
Experience of spiritual effects or sixth sense
The effect of spiritual effects on imagination
Real Dreams

Experience of spiritual effects or sixth sense
Future event
I remember when I going to school In a moment I found a romantic feeling That if I walk at this speed And that's how I walk Continue In a certain place that is not visible right now I see my aunt's daughter going to school I continued And at that point and Very ordinary I saw my aunt's daughter and I said hello
Future change
Once when I came out of the house It came to my mind that we are in an accident today While I was not a driver I changed my mind , without accident damage And I forgot the story A few hours later when returning to home There was a taxi behind us At the moment of the accident He turned himself and broke only a taxi lamp

Say the word

I remember two of my classmates telling me We will beat you when the school is closed I said that they are talking nonsense and I lowered my head and came out When I came out, I looked behind me they both look among the children
Several people pay attention to a particular topic
Once when I playing online game I felt an ISIS among the players I found a joke on the internet And I shared in the chatroom One ISIS began to curse and curse in English and Turkish and Arabic
In the past  I remember a lady classmate wanted to be friends with me I didn't even say hello to her.Days passed and I regretted, but it was in my mind The next day she stood by the door to say hello to me I didn't pay attention and went to the end of the hall. she was standing still until I came back and said hello again . we didn't being friends

Unfortunately, I took some money from an undisciplined person without permission and fell asleep during the trip and had to go back the extra way I had come and pay various expenses of course I returned the money

The activation energy

Sometimes everything is ready to be done or not done With our words and thoughts, we cause something to happen or not to happen It affects the wills

The effect of spiritual effects on imagination

That needs interpretation


Appearance of spirit
If you say and repeat La ilaha illallah(There are no other gods but god) so much to unconscious repeat
this mention pressure on the sprite and you wake up while you are asleep you are not awake but alert
This mode has several characteristics
If you see there is no gravity pressure and breathing pressure you are in this mode
If there is Problem from distant times you discover it
by observing your moods You understand the dimensions of your personality
the words and the spiritual state of the words can be understood
this happens 15 seconds after sleep and this is happening for few seconds
If you are tired or do not have a good place for sleep You better get into this
If you think you are sleep or awake You wake up
If your sprite is released although duration is short your tiredness will be eliminated
you do Unconscious That's your habit Unless the initiative Be your habit


spiritual formulas


What are the spiritual effects
It is the effects that creates the connection between matter and spirit To reach the spirit, we must have access to spiritual effects  we must follow the properties of chemistry and physics in spiritual formulas or Combined with spiritual effects
There are commands that make communication and conclusion faster and more efficient

The purpose of spiritual formulas

It is used to regulate the soul
You will find Positive and negative poles And you understand the effects
You understand spiritual complexes even through the names of people
You understand the effect and connection of words with the soul
You understand the impact of thoughts on events
What others think of you should be in the form of spiritual complexes
Revenge can be obtained through poles

Parts of spiritual works

  spiritual effects      Contact the Forehead with ground     Rhythm     Words     numbers     writing     Solvents     spiritual complexes     unconscious     Positive and negative poles     attention to spiritual needs     Feed the soul     The flow of spiritual effects     Relationship       Getting energy      Clearing     note book

Properties of words
The word itself
The effect on similar effects
The effect of the word description
Movement of spiritual effects

The flow of spiritual effects

In order to access spiritual effects, we must first release our spiritual effects


Rhythmic in time
the effects increases with the use of rhythm such as using clock rhythm , walking rhythm , Heart rhythm and water dripping rhythm each rhythm has its own character

Rhythmic in words

Words should be as concise and useful as possible so that you can easily repeat them and enter the subconscious

Writing words for a while is effective and After 12 hours must be renewed Including
Write and eat
Writing on a container of water
Write and hold

Number or time
Repeat at least 2000 times without stopping Or spend 20 minutes non-stop

Saying words

Words should be combined in the steam of the mouth Masking in cold weather can help to combine words with mouth steam
Words should be concise and useful
Words must target Spiritual complexes
Words must be repeated in a Rhythm
You should not speak loudly
You should to identify the Spiritual parasites and avoid their effects


There must be a connection between words and spiritual deeds This connection may occur with repetition and focus on different days

Effective time

Some spiritual tasks can be accomplished by saying a word. Sometimes it may take 20 minutes, sometimes from midnight until dawn, and sometimes up to 40 days and some are effective until used

time and place

Time, is important for several reasons

Sunlight and the presence of humans can cause noise in spiritual work
If your goal is telepathy, due to daily activities, there may be no energy concentration at the origin and destination for communication unless the person is at a fixed time and place, and this is possible at midnight
Location is also important for several reasons
When resting, you should sleep on the bed. A little height above the ground will release the spiritual effects
Forehead contact with the ground can also help a lot to move the effects

Free environment

Air flow and The place of water flow in the past

Read the words on the wind
Ten degree decrease in temperature
This condition is more common in autumn and winter
Cold air creates a kind of energy density


Spiritual needs are in the form of spiritual effects Such as mentioning God and the names of people Which is used to evacuate harmful spiritual effects

Water is a kind of solvent for spiritual effects

Increasing the level of contact of water with the environment increases energy absorption

The most effective form of it is water vapor in the bath, which combines spiritual effects with water particles, and when we can not cope with the confinement of spiritual effects and complexes within ourselves, we do so outside our bodies Read the words on the particles as steam Also, if you see water vapor particles and say those words on the particles

Air flow, especially if the air is cool

The food of our body is also the food of our soul The importance of the issue is about the rights of the people and how it is processed and eaten


It can also act as a solvent for spiritual effects, but this solvent can not repel spiritual effects

Energy and disturbing objects

Contact with metals and rocks
Existence of a mirror
Dusty or smoky air
Laughing and eating
Human presence and voice
Sunlight, lights and fire

Energy sustainability

Moving objects
Bracelets and handwritten , joints , tire , shoe ,Trouser , leg

 Sponge texture

Fabric and wood


Energy prisons exist for two reasons Density and pollution

Density : Pit , Deadend , wet , Fat in the form of obesity or sweat

pollution : Do not brush , devil  , Sweat and urine , Bad words

spiritual complexes

Our feelings and those of others are a kind of energy that can be gathered

Remember spiritual complexes
Remember your previous conditions For the recycling of spiritual effects and the effect on the remaining effects

Saying problems

By saying problems, we open up spiritual complexes and reduce them

note book

Writing is also very effective in spiritual work and there should be a specific place for it


Part of the focus

Part of the focus

       spiritual needs      Getting energy     Triple mentions         Prostration for God      Double mentions     Qalaqil     Wa In Yakad Verse      Clearing     note book  

 Soul Health Index

When the Spirit became strong the influence of the pollution becomes less and the focus goes up so the spirit health index is the amount and power of focus

We must fill our spiritual gaps and replace bad effects with good effects Attention to the unconscious
Unconsciously there are scattered thoughts or negative energy And waste our energy We should not allow them to operate

fairy pollution

Fairy pollution is a type of mental pollution that an infected person
can not escape or throw away And even escaping from mental problems causes more problems because a kind of deprivation is created to move the problems and movement is one of the effective ways in attracting spiritual effects
It must be combined with something and recycled to be discarded
By practicing unconsciously, we should not allow thought to get involved
Evacuate the spiritual complexes and emphasize the good points and ignore the remaining effects
A small amount of mental pollution is beneficial. This small amount, like a vaccine, gives you immunity
With the gradual elimination of negative psychological effects, a kind of replacement occurs
Recycling happens by focusing on the word of God and undermining the negative effects
the word of Allah means god

Title of spiritual needs
 Attention to God (power and happiness)
Attention to society and take the attention from the society (EQU)
Attention to yourself (Evolutionary)

Attention to God
Religious law , Rituals , Prayer, Mentions

Attention to society

We are not spiritually perfect Man needs a family, a friend and a wife

Attention to yourself

Need to be clean

The human body must be clean in order to obtain the spirit of pure food

Spiritual effects persist in body sweat . Oral Health It is very important

Infections cause contact with demons Like not brushing, urine and blood remain on the body

Getting energy
Man spiritually can not be affected by different energies or different effects Or there are restrictions on energy intake
Of course, different layers are involved in energy storage. Surface energies become deep and strong energies
Depression usually starts with a simple illness, but successful people are always happy and not disappointed
Various actions increase our energy and strengthen our spirit

Be happy and laugh
Greetings to the people
See family members
Work, education, sports and leisure
Attend group activities
Music if only music
Some mentions
In the name of God, Most Gracious , Most Merciful
Praise be to God, Lord of the universe
Prayer is a combination of various spiritual works that strengthen the spirit

Triple mentions
Stabilizes the effect of God and eliminates other effects >>>> لا اله الا الله
There are no other gods but god     La ilaha illallah

It weakens all effects and strengthens the effect of God>>>>لا حول و لا قوه الا بالله العلی العظیم

There is no power or strength save in god the great     la  hawla wala quwwata illa billah al aliel azim

Preservative >>>>> الله لا اله الا هو الحی القیوم

There is no god but He,-the Living, the Self-subsisting     Allahu La ilaha illa Huwal Hayyul Qayyum

Auxiliary mentions
La ilaha illallah+allahoma sali ala muhammad va all mohamad va ajjal farajahum
Explosion of spiritual complexes
These words should be used while walking
la  hawla wala quwwata illa billah al aliel azim + Hearts
Protect yourself from debris
Bismilahirahmanirahim + Allāhu lā ilāha illā hūAl ḥayyu l-qayyūm

Prostration for God

20minutes of days Contact the Forehead with ground
Use the direction of the kaaba
do the following mentions
the time should not be cut
think about your problems
moveing and exiting of the harmful spiritual effects are also painful

Double mentions
devil is extremely stubborn and one mention have not a full cover
Those who are not sick dont repeat these two mentions much Because the word of Devil is repeated

أعوذ  بالله من  الشیطان  الرجیم
I seek refuge in god from the cursed Devil
auzu billahi minashaitanir rajim
أعوذ بالله من خطوات الشیطان و عن یحضرهم
I seek refuge in god from the steps of the Devil and to be present
auzu billahi min khotovaate shaitan va an yahzorehem

Four Quls are four Qur'anic suras, al-Kafirun, al-Ikhlas, al-Falaq, and al-Nas , all of which begin with the, "qul" (that is, say)

 the recitation of the Foul Quls is recommended for protection against disasters

Wa In Yakad Verse

وَإِن یکادُ الَّذِینَ کفَرُ‌وا لَیزْلِقُونَک بِأَبْصَارِ‌هِمْ لَمَّا سَمِعُوا الذِّکرَ‌ وَیقُولُونَ إِنَّهُ لَمَجْنُونٌ   وَمَا هُوَ إِلَّا ذِکرٌ‌ لِّلْعَالَمِینَ

Indeed the faithless almost devour you with their eyes when they hear this Reminder, and they say, He is indeed crazy Yet it is just a reminder for all the nations

Wa in yakadullazina kafaroo layuzliqoonaka bi- absaarihim lamma sami uz zikr  Wa yaqooloona Innahu lamajnun  Wa maa huwa illa zikrul lil’alameen


The use of the words  leads us to a high density of those spiritual works that make it difficult to continue working. Mentioning Subhan Allah (glory to god) is a way to get out of the confinement of spiritual works . It is more effective if we use it in other words

Allahu Akbar >>>>> God is most great

Subhan Allah>>>>>glory to god

Alhamdulillah>>>>> praise be to God

Properties of words in focus

The effect of word description
no other gods
god the great
cursed Devil

Movement of spiritual effects

Words but, from and not

note book

We have to write the words every 12 hours


Parts of telepathy


Parts of telepathy

Telepathy can be a way to empty the mental complexes or Spiritual complexes and one must have enough potential for acceptance
One of the benefits of telepathy is the removal of harmful Spiritual complexes. Another benefit of telepathy is communication with someone who has no other way
If it causes a connection between a girl and a boy You may summon the devil
The opposite sex can act as a spiritual solvent and move the spiritual pollutants if you do not remove the pollution, the pollution will increase You may not be infected, but a boy-girl relationship can infect you


 Saying emotions through words

Some kind of connection

Different types of communication can cause telepathy Like mother and child and family members an event can alert a member


Maybe it is not telepathy and it is a kind of pollution We use double mention

Redirect energy

Different types of emotions emotions may be transmitted in telepathy
One of the symptoms of harmful emotions is the involvement of the forehead and chest
We should not deal with a large amount of emotion We have to change its direction with little feeling Or be indifferent
In this case we can We use the energy of the person against himself or We can penetrate the energy
The demons also emphasize the things we are involved in and make us more involved This means that they are using our energy against us


Any method that somehow transmits energy expires


What is devil


What is devil

They are parasites of life and affect us in the absence of our needs This parasite can be economic and security needs or spiritual needs and God  devil Includes of human kind and Elf kind

Human kind

lying, misleading people, dividing people, war and etc. that pursue material interests for certain people

Elf kind

They infect the human with different and irrelevant words and make it more difficult for us to reach the goal
Those who are infected with the devil can not think about it because the devil is in a lack of spiritual needs
The only way Elf to man and man to Elf are words The Elf try to occupy the mind with words and get energy through it . Humans must try to defeat the demons with certain words

Symptoms of fairy disease

  Conflict of thought
Illusions and strange feelings
 Sleep and wakefulness or consciousness in the dream world
Summoning the devil
Appearance of devil

Explosion of spiritual complexes

devil 's activity creates a kind of spiritual complex When these spiritual complexes explode, it may cause you to see the devil If you say this mention Say these words on cold, secluded nights while walking Do not go back the way you came

There is no power or strength save in god the great     la  hawla wala quwwata illa billah al aliel azim

The devil's experience consists of several categories
A kind of thought involved It's important to know the kind
Feel that The person who is chasing you or look at you or there is one, but not(Vague presence)
much attention to the fairies and their appearance
Recovery of the devil's effect in a solitude And wet It happens by the demons
How do we get infected
When we think of Elf or devil and compliment little by little we get the spiritual effect of them which is very polluted and harmful and it connects us to them connection is easier than to disconnection Those who searching for the elf finally they find the devil

They love the smell of sweat and urine of single people And for that, they go around the person and go to the place of rest, toilet and bath they take of the human spiritual effect and with this effect they communicate better


What I saw

You notice them through their effect and you can see them through their bodies, which means that they can put your soul in their body in the dream world and take you to different places

Demons may play a role in telepathy, meaning that communication with demons acts as a receiver and transmitter of energy

form of skeletom similar to humans


No clothes
Their body are white
Their hip is not prominent
Their gender is unknown
They havent breast


Their body are covered of hair, except of face around the nose and forehead and their fingers
The length of the hair are about 3_4 cm
Their hair is smooth and so thick that doesn't form
Their hair did not need to be corrected
Their hair of some of them is Low density and some is High density But in the person is uniform
Their hair colors is red, black, gray , orange But in the person is uniform
Their skin is usually visible between their hair some of them In some places have hairloss and illness


The devil is made of fire They are not spirits or angels
Fire is a form of energy consumption and arises from the combustion of gaseous materials
These gases come from the food we eat, then they whisper to the environment and use the food
If you ask where they have seen fairies and fairies, this will also prove to be places that are wet and gaseous, such as baths and forests and old houses and cemeteries
The effect of corruption If we assume the fruit must be ripe to be usable  This fruit must be rotten for some creatures to be usable Demons coexist with contaminants  They are present and affected where there is contamination They are present in toilets and bathrooms and old houses and abandoned neighborhoods They coexist with oral microbes and microbial contamination They try to confuse us with irrelevant words and engage our minds They are affected by the smell, touch, and attention with words and so on


They have thick nails that sharpen the tip
They can to be inside humans

The main feature of the devil

stubborn , Dualism , Parasite , whisper

Other features of the devil

There is no such thing as sleeping for them
The various devils are in constant circulation
They are tormenting themselves to make us uncomfortable
They are located near the ear and slowly whisper
They try to get attention
They havent any tools and they do all with words and indecision
They Talking irrelevant words
They Highly mobile
They Very talkative and they can Speaking fast

They usually run and their movement is very dry, Like running birds


They don't last long Appearance
They appear beyond of our reach
They can transform In their world
They can appear in another form in the material world I didn't see Their changes in the material world
They can create imaginations of themselves By demons who inside or Around of humans
They can Appearance a part of themselves
They Without deformation By producing light they can Create images
And because demons are liars, they don't usually show their true form

Their usual Transformed shape

A person in the form of the opposite sex
A person who talks to you regularly
A dense mass of black clouds that come to our imagination
Sharp and winning shapes

Each group of devils consists of at least two devils
inside the humans or whisper
This devil is always with us he visualizes and movements to compete in our minds and In our body
around the man
their positions is around the man or in the next to the door of the room and Inside the washroom and bathroom (Recycle of devil effects)

Ability And their effects

Infect the sprite

All devils communication is of some kind of spiritual effects they can speak with emotion or spiritual effects . they express their message with a combination of a few words and the feeling and tone of the word they can Make contact with the spiritual effects in their voice and their hair without Words seem to be meaningful

Devils By Creating a sense of fear, stress, anxiety and obsession They take comfort from us And cause human poverty from spiritual needs And poverty of spiritual needs itself cause To release the sprite to meet the needs But because the sprite is released in a messy environment the Conditions are easier to become infected

The devil does not allow you to rest even in sleep You are unconscious in your sleep The devil will wake you up in your sleep, even though you are not awake

They feed of human energy and cause human depression they Should affect us as Spiritual infected

By saying words and attracting our attention, the devils get the spiritual effects that feed them
They know very well how to say the words so that they can be fed and not be imprisoned and there will be no disturbance in their work

Their thinking speed and reaction are fantastic They do not get tired They Extremely hardworking and stubborn
Devils' hair is a means of conveying the message Like emotions and images
The devils have a good memory And their memory is to remember spiritual complexes
Demons can read human thought They understand spiritual complexes They understand your previous thoughts, especially about the opposite sex And all this is like reading spiritual effects
Demons can inject negative thoughts into human beings in the form of spiritual complexes
They have energy and sometimes they put their energy in front of human energy and They make us tired To achieve their goals
The devils by saying different and irrelevant words cause forgetfulness in the field of thought
Their words, such as the bristle and razor had Infected my soul and hurt me
They can Poisoning and weakening of the soul
They canPrisoner of mention and Prayer
They canimpelicat human thought

By naming people, demons burn spiritual effects and create deprivation, suction and spiritual connection, and in this way, they engage your soul with the soul of another person

darkness effect or devil effects

The effect of darkness is an effect that we suffer in the subconscious in the form of mental conflicts and worries and complexes or mental problems. It appears more in darkness and loneliness
Those who are infected with the devil subconsciously go into darkness and tend to run away from people They reach peace of mind in the dark because of the spiritual unraveling that the light and the presence of the people have not allowed to occur

devil Spiritual complex
The devil burns and condenses spiritual effects . Spiritual effects are related to our imaginations and emotions When the spiritual effects are burned and condensed, imaginations and emotions increase and become illusions and spiritual complexes

About the whispers of the devil

different and irrelevant words(devil's whisper)
To direct human thought
They become parasites of our thinking (repetitions of words)
They try Humiliate us to become infected with sin
Communicating with demons teaches spells that hurt both yourself and others
The devil's begins to speak in words, but continues in song and song
The devil's talk is not continuous but is a word or a few words and every word is like a shock to man
The tone of the words of the devil are parasitic
The words of the devil are a kind of pollutionThat causes communication
They talk By imitating the sound of us or others
They with Scatter words causes thought scattering


Replacing the devil in people and sending thought
Order not to do it So that we can be provoked
They do or show before us
They can Imagine complex issues to convey their imagination
They deformed to get the effect
They imitate our evil deeds
They relate to bad things

spiritual complex

They inject their spiritual complex and infect us
They combine their spiritual effect unless to effect in the name of God
They satisfy us with the problems of others
They Anger us or surf on our anger

 Harassing people

Parasite of thought

This is very important for the devils to start and continue working with keeping the human mind engaged
They slander
They are obsessed
They remind you of anything that annoys you even years ago
Remembering things that you worry about them
Remembering the sex topics
Even remembering the things you love and many, many different ways
Saying the opposite words
Saying a piece of a song
Creating false emotions
They lend you something or they give you a responsibility in the dream world. Your mind gets involved
They raise their hands to shake hands and make contact
They become the opposite sex and provoke you
They compare you to others and people to each other
Many of devil's whispers begin with the word (IF)
The demons try to scare the infected people. The feeling of fear and flight creates a kind of demoralization that the demons want to fill

Scare people

This usually happens in solitary Condition They want By scaring people trying to Get attention
and In a state of fear, the Repel and Absorption of spiritual effects increases

Devil story

Stubborn parasite
 They Extremely hardworking and stubborn They talk non-stop And try to disperse your thoughts and lose your goals This has been proven to me many times
In a dream, a devil woke me up with his whispers He was with me wherever I went. I prostrated and started saying words The devil knew he couldn't stop me He woke me up with a toothache

different words

once in the dream world There was a devil beside me and he said different words on the subject And These issues were material And if I were paying attention to a subject, he would tell for that the story I would take these topic And throw it away There was 2 seconds between each topic one topic was Mother's Day I also threw it away Until the devil became angry And he pulled me down on the bed Then I woke up and I saw that I was not moving on the bed

Sudden departure

I got a lot of energy from a girl and in the dream world a devil took me to different places The reason was that I had a lot of energy stored that could be released by moving and walking I was in one place every ten seconds and moved to another every five seconds First I was walking down a park, then I was walking down a street, then I was in the garden alley below the city, and then I stood by the river for a few seconds

Brilliant effect

  In the dream world, a devil put his hand on my eyes and forehead What I saw were very small, bright blue and red particles At the same time, these particles were in a very thin layer I confronted it and pushed it away

Inability to move

At the first work I had a weak spirit And in the dream world It happened many times That I can't shake a bit or talk and They turned me around their selfs


It happened many times That moment when I fall asleep They woke me up with a shock

Touch the devil
Once after bathing I noticed a vague presence in the bathroom one devil who was left in the bathroom He summed up the effects of the devil And after 10 minutes He hit me with a finger tip I feeling bad mood and I used Togetherly mentions
My disease symptoms

My head involved various things so that I had no focus
I became isolated and silent
I always had sleep deprivation
I liked the dark and quiet places
The name of God was so hard and painful that I could not tolerate it for several years
It was a dormant state that my soul had become a devil's game
I was lagging behind everything from the life of the school and society
I was always in pain and torment, whether it was sleep or awakening

stages of my improvement
I realized that when I heard the voice of Azan, I felt better
The main reason for this was the mention of (La ilaha illallah)
but saying this was very difficult as I had to say along with the other statement
( allahoma sali ala muhammad va all mohamad va ajjal farajahum ) For example with Salavat

I realized that I was weak

My sprit was very weak and was infected
To build the spirit , I made a combination
Resort to God , fourteen inocents , Imam Mahdi and Quran
Prayer is a combination of various spiritual works that strengthen the spirit
Bismillah Rahman Rahim and Salavat and Al-Hamdullah rabelalamin(with funny Spiritual effects)

Complications left after naughty infection

The devil causes extraordinary conflicts of thought And you do not notice the passage of time like day, month and year And even after treatment, you will not notice much time , you will feel spiritually old
Your sensitivity to everything decreases
The devil disrupts learning and memory by interfering You realize that you do not know many simple thingsBasically, those who are involved with the devil are those who are socially weak and isolated
One of the complications of being infected with the devil is weakness in the community



More Information

kaaba    What is the sprite     Elf kind      Human kind      What is devil


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